4 Easy Ways for Teachers to Make Extra Money Online

Let’s be real. Teaching is exhausting and financially it’s not very lucrative, so finding ways for teachers to make extra money doesn’t always come so easy. As teachers were always looking for ways to make extra money that doesn’t exhaust us even more than we are. We spend most of our days talking to people, walking around the classroom, giving directions, cleaning up messes, being a social worker (or trying to be) so if we’re going to actually do another job that will make us more money it needs to be worth it. Below we will discuss some easy ways for teachers to make extra money online by blogging, starting a podcast, creating digital products or creating a digital course.

I have come up with 7 ways for teachers to make extra money that will take some time and energy but will actually bring in sustainable income and maybe even one day turn into a full on teacher business.

Ok, Let’s go!

Ways to Earn Extra Money Online: #1 Teacher Blogger

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Ok, how many tips and tricks could you think of to write about off the top of your head? Or how many ideas do you have about how something should be taught or what curriculum is actually a waste of time. I’m sure what instantly came to your mind were a plethora of things that you could talk about. One of my favorite ways for teachers to make extra money is by becoming a blogger. 

This gives you the ability to turn your knowledge into words and pictures and give it to someone else. There are so many teachers who are looking for advice about a variety of different topics and who better to get advice from than from another teacher. I remember when I was a 1st grade teacher, I constantly found myself trying to find helpful articles online, (because isn’t that where everyone goes to for advice) and I ran across some very insightful teacher bloggers and then once I found out they were selling products on TPT I thought I had hit the jackpot.

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I was like OMG they gave me advice about this one thing and then they had a product for the one thing that they gave me advice about (immediately I was hooked). 

Let’s Talk About Making Money as a blogger

Now let’s talk about making money. When you become a blogger you can immediately make money from Affiliate links. Affiliate links will be links from different companies about products they sell. You will have to include that link in your blog and if someone clicks on that link and buys that product you get some proceeds from it. Now of course this will not instantly make you a millionaire. But there are many successful bloggers who have made an obscene amount of money from this, once they have gotten their subscriber count up and have made a conscious effort to post blogs regularly. This is something that you could literally start today. 

To find out more about the steps you will need to take to become a blogger download my free guide

Ways to Earn Extra Money Online: # 2 Podcaster

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Ok, so maybe you’re that teacher who loves to talk about all things education. Or maybe you have multiple different areas of interest you want to talk about, but either way creating your own podcast is a no brainer. Podcast is a multi-billion dollar industry with there being over 500 million podcast listeners worldwide. 

One of the reasons people love podcasts is because you can easily listen to them while doing other things. I can’t tell you how many podcasts I have listened to while driving, cooking or cleaning. It’s almost like an audible book that you get to tap into every week. 

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A major benefit of having a podcast is that you can and will have the ability to market your own products. If you want to sell anything from coaching other teachers, to memberships or lesson plans this can help you market your products to sell. And if you don’t have a product whenever/ and if you decide to make one you this will help you have the audience to have people to sell to. You can also make money from sponsored ads once you have a substantial amount of followers or through Affiliate links if you have very little followers. 

To get 4 tips for how to start your own podcast right now download my free guide 7 Ways to Make Extra Money Online. 

Ways to Earn Extra Money Online: # 3 Create Digital Products

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As teachers how often have we gone to Teachers Pay Teachers or to ETSY to buy a worksheets, lesson plans or small group activities. I know that I have personally purchased so many products off of TPT alone that I should be ashamed of how much I have spent over the past 10 years. But let’s be honest, I’m not really ashamed. I know that I didn’t have the time and knowledge background to create those products back then so I paid for the convenience of someone else having the knowledge and time. 

Teachers are always looking for ways we can get back time and for new creative ways that someone else is doing something in their classroom. Thats why TPT is a Billion dollar company. If you are someone who is creative, loves to make engaging and pretty worksheets, lesson plans or lesson slides than you could start earning money on TPT tomorrow. Ok, it will take some work on your part to get things rolling. 

First, you would need to decide what you would want your niche to be. Think about what you would enjoy doing and what your knowledgeable about.

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Secondly, you need to create a mind map to decide what you want your products to be about and what type of products you want to make (this could range anywhere from worksheets or centers to actual full curriculum which also include worksheets, assessments, activities).

 Lastly, you need to think about who you want your customer aviator to be and how you will help them solve their problems. I talk more about customer aviators when creating digital products in my 7 ways to make extra money online free guide, so go and check it out!

Ways to Earn Extra Money Online: # 4 Digital Course Creator

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When I think of some of the best ways for teachers to make extra money online, immediately I think about digital courses. Digital courses have taken over and more and more people everyday are learning from the comfort of their own home on their own computer. 

With the world that we currently live in we thrive and learn best in our own environment and on our terms. That’s why creating a digital course for teachers, parents or students is a no brainer. 

Teachers love teaching, educating and creating resources that will up level our expertise. Digital courses will allow you to teach to people all over the world and make money while your doing it. Some crucial steps in beginning your journey are below:

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  • Decide what you want your course to be about. 
  • Decide what problem you are trying to solve. 
  • Decide who your target audience will be.

Beginning with these 3 steps who set you up on a solid foundation to be successful with your digital course. If you want some more help with creating your digital course, I have included a few additional steps that can help you create your digital course in my free guide so go grab it now!

Unsure of What Your Next Steps are for Ways to Earn Extra Money Online:

Not sure if any of these pathways are right for you? Grab your free guide to 7 ways to make extra money online as a teacher right here so you can start to live a life outside of the classroom with more money to take those awesome trips you have been dreaming of or buying your next big house with all the bells and whistles , or hey, maybe you just want to extra money to put in your savings account for a rainy day. Either way, it will be your choice to decide how to use it. 

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